Download links for manuals, tech data etc

G'day Ken,

trouble is, looking at the monster again, reckon that I've missed a bit....

Apart from the page with the little pictures on it, which must be the same as the other books I suppose as it's not there, looks like there's detail bits I didn't notice on the first flick through - have to learn how to be a French storeman & packer..... :D

Few more pages to add I think.

PR400 [r20 & Fuego only]


reloaded that one with the extra pages for the DARA bits and pieces, it's now got all the DARA pages so covers all models with this carby. Still at the same address....[part].pdf

The other sections don't look to have detail pages like the carby section - presumably, if it's not in the picture Renault don't service the part. So it's off to the bearing supplies etc for all those little seals and bushes 'n stuff that don't rate a mention.

TN1679 - Renix electronic ignition

G'day again,

while we're in the mood here's another for you to play with....

Technical note relative to the testing etc of the Renix electronic ignition along with the advance curve data for each model.

G'day David,

......Cant open the above link any suggestions.......

It's a direct download, just right click and pick save as or whatever your browser offers :D

Fuego handbook AU supplement


here is the Aussie supplement to the normal drivers handbook.... Apart from the basic mechanical data for our model you also get reasonably detailed anti-pollution info.

It's a bit fuzzy, but the upload limits don't allow much better :)



    693.9 KB · Views: 532


  • 02.jpg
    87.4 KB · Views: 1,370

just giving it a bump so it don't get lost... :)

BTW, those dropbox links might not last forever, like that photo site that died, so grab 'em if you want 'em. The cloud has been proven to be an unreliable place to store your things :(

Dialogys have been locked up, alternative is at Index of /files/dialogys

I'm currently on a hunt for a factory (not haynes) wiring diagram for a 1991 R19 auto TXE.
I downloaded those files a few years ago but never could find access to the Repair Manuals and Technical Notes. Would always respond with 'insert Dialogys 2 CD'. So today I had another good look at the CD contents and reinstalled with location as Russia and the Repair manual and Technical Note icons function but are incomprehensible :)
Using a virtual PC to reduce viruses I tried to find a full english version and could only find very suspect links. The closest was Renault Dialogys 3.99 FULL English but that forum is locked out to newcomers.

So, does anyone have links to a full english dialogys with Repair Manual and Technical Notes functional?

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I found a bit torrent file easily for dialogys - the download exceeds 1GB . Give it a try. Stuff like this shows up on usenet as well from time to time, a much better way, for those who have access.
I found a bit torrent file easily for dialogys - the download exceeds 1GB . Give it a try. Stuff like this shows up on usenet as well from time to time, a much better way, for those who have access.

Every torrent I tried downloaded an executable. Could you PM me the link you found?
Dear Moderator,

Is it possible to make this a sticky?
Okay, some of the links will probably drop out or might not work any more but it's still a good place to start.
Saves trawling through dozens of posts.

G'day Alex,

...... Would always respond with 'insert Dialogys 2 CD'. So today I had another good look at the CD contents and reinstalled with location as Russia and the Repair manual and Technical Note icons function but are incomprehensible :)......

I don't have the dialogys installed at the moment, but, there was never any problem with it here. I seem to recall that there are explicit install instructions in one of the file downloads at the location given that need to be followed to the letter otherwise it doesn't work properly.


good question ! so far, all we have done is report the links. Even if AF has the space there are bound to be other issues though with storing stuff that others hold the rights for.....
